Mon 27 Jan
🍒Latenights & earlymornings🍒$80special💦 📲6098368239 - 23
(52 race👈🏾(incalls only)(incalls)(Incalls, Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Philadelphia, South, Southwest, West)
💦 latenights early mornings👅$80special 🍒💦 $80special 🍒 📞6098368239 - 22
((West philly 52arch/incalls only), Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Philadelphia, South, Southwest, West)
Sat 11 Jan
******* LUSCIOUS $40 Early Bird Specials With Sexy BBW Goddess Juanita******** - 31
(Philadelphia, NORTHEAST)
🔥Come warm up with me🔥on this chillie nite🌚 $80special👅📲6098368239 - 22
(52 race👈🏾(incalls only), Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Philadelphia, South, Southwest, West)
Thu 09 Jan
1000% ME! THE 🌹Lovely🌹 ReDhEaDeD🔥 EMBER🔥 Wanna PlAy?💋 - 29
(Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, HORSHAM Willow Grove incalls ONLY, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Philadelphia, South, West)
⛅️💦👅Beautiful day 2 play💦🔥$80 special 📞6098368239 - 22
((West philly 52arch/incalls only), Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Philadelphia, South, Southwest, West)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
GORGEOUS💁😜💦SEXY CUBAN and The BEST You'll Ever Have💦💦😍😜 - 21
(North, Northeast incalls only, Philadelphia)
Sun 05 Jan
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G 🔥HoT🔥 💖 💖 💎 NasTY & KiNKy CaRriBbeaN GodD💎 💋 ViSiTiNG 💗💖 🍭💋24/7❤70sp - 22
(INCALLS ONLY (Huntington park north phil, Northeast, Philadelphia)
Sat 04 Jan
GORGEOUS💁😜💦SEXY CUBAN and The BEST You'll Ever Have💦💦😍😜 - 21
(North, Northeast incalls only, Philadelphia)
Thu 02 Jan