Mon 27 Jan
LaST NiGHt iN TowN 80/100 spls... Ready 2 Play ;) CaLL Now! T & Ready - 19
((PHL) Airport area incalls)
Last Night Sexy Tranny IN South Philly! Super Passable, Adult Film Model Stormlattimore - 27
(Philadelphia, South Philly/ Stadium / Airport)
Kellie--Tall BBW--Ready for you now!--outcall 100hhr special 24/7 - 27
(Philadelphia, Reading, West, West Chester and surrounding OUTCALL)
• ——— ♥ JERSEY GIRLS ———♥ DO IT BEST • ——— ♥ VIP PLAYMATE • ——— ♥ BIG BOOTY • ——— ♥ - 21
(Philadelphia, airport area)
*-* JETTING OUT *-* Call Me ... Blue Eyed Blonde Baby-Doll .. Real Pix ...100% or free! - 19
(Philadelphia, Airport Area Inn)
💎Kinky BombShell Miya🌺TiGhT & W👅T 💦 🌺INCALLS ONLY - 22
(Philadelphia, Northeast /Roosevelt Blvd INCALLS ONLY)
💎Kim💎🌟Pretty Face 🌟Beautiful Body 🌟Sexy & Sultry 🌟Exotic 👄Call Mee now👄215 954 7160👄 - 24
(Castor,Bustleton, Roosevel, Northeast, Philadelphia)
((Just Arrived)) -:¦:- TOP QUALITY BLONDE -:+:- Beauty 100% ME ((WELL REVIEWED) - 23
(King Of Prussia INCALLS & OUT...)
• ——— ♥ JERSEY GIRLS ———♥ DO IT BEST • ——— ♥ VIP PLAYMATE • ——— ♥ $50 SPECIAL • ——— ♥
(Philadelphia, center city)
L E T S ✰ R O C K ✰ N ✰ R O L L ✰ (♫) SLIM SeXY ALL NaTURAL BEAUTy - 22
(Philadelphia, King of Prussia/ Valley Forge)
(♥) —I————W—A—N —T————T—O——— B—E————Y—O—U—R ———F—A—V—O—R—I T—E—————— (♥) - 22
(Philadelphia, █__Center City__█)
***Kayla & Carmen****2 Girl Special**100% Satisfaction Come See Us if You Want To have Some real Fun - 21
(Philadelphia, Downtown/ Center City/ University)
jasmin here with a cute and sexy body with a cute face $80 short stay special - 22
(Philadelphia, KING OF PRUSSIA)
Kyla Marie Highly Reviewed!!! Come see about Me!!! Short Stay Specials Today Only!!!! - 23
(Philadelphia, Northeast Incalls outcalls)
GUYS IM IN H/I/G/H DEMAND Mixxed Rare Beauty Bite Me IM A Delight - P/R/E/E/T/Y -N- P/I/N/K!!! - 23
(PHILLY "Out Calls" ONLY)
Get it when and how you like its just one call away - 22
(Philadelphia, south philly/incall perfered)
Guaranteed best around :-) Thee 1 &ONLY; Bajan Beauty Candice doing INCALLS!! $60specials - 23
(Philadelphia, northeast-incall only)
Friendly hottie! Independent babe! Penns Landing Incall MONDAY 10AM--1PM.! spc.$1O0 310-428-8072 - 30
(In-out $100 Penns Landing)
$$$ Freaky bbw Sunday $pecials all Day $$$ In-Call 267-776-3411 start at $30 - 22
(Philadelphia, Upper Darby, WP, Sw P,)
🎀 ▃💖💛 FLAWLESS!! 💖KOP** REAL !💎💎💎▃💖▃ SWEET&JUICY; ▃❤▃ ☏ CALL NOW ▃💖💛💖▃🎀 - 24
(Center City, KOP, Philadelphia)
*° F L A W L E S S **° P E T I T E *;*° 1 0 0 % M E**° (incalls 24/7) - 23
(Airport incall/Outcall)
Fabulous Ashley Frost Visiting Blonde Real Outcalls No Bait And Switch 100% Independent - 22
(Center City, outcall only, Philadelphia)
🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 FATTEST ASS IN THE STATE 🌻🌻🌻🌻 46eee Watermelons 🌻🌻🌻🌻 Bbw Pornstar 🌻 Soft, Juicy, Chocolate 🌻🌻 - 36
(Center City, Center City/ Plenty of Parking 🌻🌻🌻🌻, Philadelphia)
Exotic Trinidadian & Dominican pierced inked Beauty must see call now ask for Love 2678008240 - 20
(Philadelphia, City line ave/ Belmont ave incalls only)
exotic Pleasures***** japanese n blk, *****indian n italian*****have it ur way - 25
(Philadelphia, northeast, anywhere, outcalls)
EXOTIC: ISLAND :CHIC:: NEW :: NEW:READY 2 PLAY!!! (a must have)!!!!True beauty - 23
(k.o.p. INCALL location)
Exotic busty beauty ! •••• Eye POPPING curves•••. Gorgeous smile . And I go the extra mile - 27
(Philadelphia, KOP king of Prussia.)
ExOtIc↗⁀☆҉↘⁀҉‿ ☆°PlAyMAtE ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ ☆°Nasty ☆ ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ ☆҉↘LiL‿↗⁀҉SecRet‿ ☆°FrEaKy! - 26
(Center City, In or Out, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos)
👅💦💦💦 EXOTiC 💋 CARRiBEAN GODDESS💄👑❤*~ SEXii * 🌺 💙� 🎀🌺✨❤ 🌺🌟💙TREAT🌺 ❤ - 25
(Philadelphia, risingsun Blvd NE Roosevelt blvd)
*!*GET LUCKY*!* ((sM0kIn Hot)) ♥ ExXxtra NaUgHtY ((AVAILABLE NOW)) Th!Ck BrUNEttE CuT!E
(Plymouth Meeting * KOP * InCalls Only)
FAKE ALERT (215) 219- 3332! SHE IS NOT the girl in the pictures.. I AM! SHE'S A FAKE...DO NOT SEE!! - 22
(Philadelphia, DO NOT SEE (215) 219- 3332! FAKE PICS!)
(((( ExOTiC VENEZUELAN BEAUTY))) 100%&photos; REAL-( Special)) - 35
(philli-center city-pennsilvania-in call)
Escape The Heat With This Sexy Exotic Princess ; Summer Time Specials ! - 25
(Philadelphia, Airport)
Exotic-Erotic Beauty with the face of an angel! TRIED THE REST? HERE IS THE BEST! #1 in class!!! - 21
(North east)
* °♥° ELiTE... EuRoPeAn BeAuTy ...1oo% ReaL G*F*E *°TER reviwed .. * °♥°
(Down town Incall //outcall)
Envii $specials$$hurry!!!👅👯😜💋😏 Give me a call ☎️☎️😁😜😍100%authentic ENvII is one call away - 20
(Philadelphia, City line avenue)
EarlyBirds Now Have A BETTER Chance At Our LOCK-DOOR Party Sundays!! 3pm-6pm Call Now 2Shows!! - 19
(Philadelphia, West Philly)
💎 E R O T I C 💋 E S💎 B L O N D E 💋 B A R B I E 💎 3 6 D d 💋 FETISH FRIENDLY - 24
(Philadelphia, KOP U P S C A L E 💋 SPECIALS)
Escape the heat w/ a THICK n TASTY TREAT! 60$ Specials - 21
(Philadelphia, Philadelphia/63rd & Lancaster)
Desert Flower want to water me??? 👅👅👅👅 - 23
(Center City, Outcall everywhere philly pa no de, Philadelphia)
" Early Morning " Azz Lovers ( SPECIAL ) ~~ Chocolate Bubble Butt Bandit ~~ - 22
☕BBW EARLY MORN SPEC 🌞60,80,140🐰 $$ 4434066785 🐰Love men of all races AA men 2 day only - 30
(Philadelphia, Philly down town)
📢Attn.....►•★•*iTs PlAy TiMe Fellas *•★•◄••••••►•★•* Alluring Beauty & Skills you've got to see* - 26
(N.e Phil/ tycony, Philadelphia)
Available now!!!! Get Out The Cold And Warm Up With Me!!!!!100% NO B,S 24/7 - 22
(5 min frm cityave,/off 76west)
Available NOW. ASK about my Morning SPECIAL until 11am. Outcalls ONLY 😘 - 21
(Philadelphia, Downtown. south, north, west philly)
Available Π√ 215-501-6276 Π√ water star specials - 20
(Philadelphia, 6700 security blvd Baltimore, MD 21207)
🚨💥ATTENTION Boy's! 💥🚨 We Have Dunkin Donuts Coffee Flavours Available Take Your Pick! - 22
A/P/P/L/E B/O/T/T/O/M Beauties PICK & CHOOSE Rated the B/E/S/T YES where doing -SPECIALS all NITE - 23
(Out calls & INCALLS)
{ {AmAzOn ++ aMaZoN ++ AmAzOn} } SiX Ft.THicK n CuRVy CAUCASiAN Q~T { {AmAzOn ++ aMaZoN ++ AmAzOn} } - 25
AMAZING BODY•—— —— —— —— —— ; LATINA MIX HOTTIE •—— —— —— —— ——; REAL PHOTOS! - 22
(Philadelphia, Center City ★ Incalls Only)
->°°You Know It's Good When You Can't Stop Saying My Name SIMONE. Moan From My Touch 8pm-2am SPECIAL
(SAFEJenkintownCheltnhmWillowGrove INCALL)
♥ {{100% REAL}} HiGh DeMaNd ITALIANA H0TTiE {{Verified.. Website.. Video.. Reviews}} - 24
(Philadelphia, King of Prussia)
A New Treat To Try Christina :) 100% Real 100% independent - 23
(Center City, Philadelphia, philly bucks delco montco outcall everyw)
°o❀°o LoLah*BeLLe iS (( BaCk iN tOwN )) LeT Me Be yOuR NaUGhTy EaSteR BuNnY °o❀°o
(❀PLyMOuTH MEeTiNG, kOp)
$90Exotic Beautiful Busty Brunette MILF ☆☆ Awesome Attitude and Even Better Skills / - 44
(Philadelphia, airport incall outcall)