Thu 02 Jan
- :DD¦: - ♥ MinD pLEaSuRiNg BeFoRe NoOn SpEciAlS ♥ oSuGaR AnD SpiCe Oh So NiCe - 25
(plymouth meeting/kop in. out calls)
▓► D_R_E_A_M__ *ღ* __G_I_R_L ◄▓ PERFECT ~*~ BLoNdE!!~*~ CoMpAnIoN!! - 24
(Philadelphia, philadelphia outcalls (and surrounding))
DEFINITELY A HOT AND SAFE TIME____ __in king of ____ Independent____ masseuse - 25
(Desirable INCALL, king of prussia)
Damn She PHAT!█ M◯NSTER █ ▒▒▒▒Azzed ▒▒▒ █ BIG TITTY █ ▒▒▒BIG MM CUP BOOBS ▒▒▒▒ █ ▒▒ ▒100$ 4 30mins▒ - 40
(Philadelphia, PHILLY METRO AREAS)
Come Join CooCoo(40$SpEcIaLS) 💋 UPSCALE ⚠ Tight 💦🍰 Juicy 💦 BBW💋 Thick✔Sweets - 21
(North, Philadelphia, Temple Area 856-376-0880)
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5 star £xperince w!th @ Soak!ng 💦💦W£T 💣👅✨ VixXen,Super hot 🔥🔥JUICY💦💦 😻😻 T!ght gripper💋 - 22
(international airport,center city, Philadelphia, South)
(267-650-9035) ����,Salut, Bonjou, Hola, مرحبا Ciao, Привет $70 HR - 35
(Philadelphia, RT# 3, 1, 95, 202, 309, 76 ,73)
$40 Special! 2674445873! CLiCK HERE ↓↓ ★Ms. K iTT E N WaNtS To PlAy! ★ - 20
~:~3 Beautiful Ladies ~:~3 Flavors to Choose ♥ Latina Hottie, Sexy Blond, Busty Brunette - 21
(Private Apartment/Incall)
&Visiting; Only Two Days BEAUTIFUL Natural Busty 36DD EuropeanSexy. Special.Sophia - 33
(Philadelphia, King of Prussia)