Mon 27 Jan
Persian MIXED Goddess.... Exotic Erotic Provider.. Unrushed Satisfaction Gauranteed Service..!!! - 21
(Philadelphia, Roosevelt Blvd Northeast Philly INCALLS)
💦💦💥💢👄Sexy Flexi bubble butt💦💦💯 I'm flexible🙊one day only👄 - 21
(Philadelphia, Incalls north philly/northeast/broad st)
Sexy, Hot and Wild... Natasha Vazquez is ready to play in Center City Philadelphia! - 21
(Center City, Center City & Surrounding Areas, Northeast, Philadelphia, South)
💦 latenights early mornings👅$80special 🍒💦 $80special 🍒 📞6098368239 - 22
((West philly 52arch/incalls only), Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Philadelphia, South, Southwest, West)
******* Late Nite Adventures $ 40 Specials With INFAMOUS BBW Goddess Juanita******** - 31
(Philadelphia, NORTHEAST)
$$$$$$ EARLY BIRD $40 SPECIALS With INFAMOUS BBW Goddess Juanita Is Back $$$$$$ - 31
(Philadelphia, NORTHEAST)
50$$ $pecials!!LOGAN AREATHICK -:¦:- -:¦:- SNOWBUNNY *¨¨*-:¦:-* *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 24
(Logan area n 13th st Incall only!)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Ultimate BBW Suductress Juanita Is Back With Her $40 Tease & Denial Adventures - 31
(Philadelphia, NORTHEAST)
******* LUSCIOUS $40 Early Bird Specials With Sexy BBW Goddess Juanita******** - 31
(Philadelphia, NORTHEAST)
❶ DaDaDa ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 🍀▓🍀▓🍀▓🍀►►► 💜New Management by SUE!💜 ◄◄ ♣ Table Shower █▀█▄█▀ ♥ ♣Exotic ▓🌺▓� - 22
(Philadelphia, 💟⭐️ 465 woodbury NJ : 856-956-3588)
*¨¨* HOT *¨¨* BLONDE *¨¨* IN *¨¨* TOWN *¨¨* VISITING *¨¨* - 29
(Philadelphia, AIRPORT / DOWNTOWN)
Pretty Light Brown and Soft Bubble $80$ Special!!!! - 19
(Philadelphia, northeast Philly InCalls!!!)
***Miss sittin pretty waiting for you to come get wit me!!***;) - 24
(Philadelphia, center city area)
Fri 10 Jan
¤~¤♡💜💜¤~¤ BeautifUL all naturAL 💄👡💄 POLish And IRish 💜unique¤~ ¤♡💜 greAT atitude¤💜💜¤♡♥ - - 35
(North east philly-incalls, Northeast, Philadelphia)
1OO% Rεaℓ Pic ▬▬▬▬▬ Upscαℓε ♥ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ Petite♥ ßεαuty ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ αvαiℓabℓε! ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥#1 Pℓαγmαtε IN&OUT; - 23
(Philadelphia, Northeast philly/trevose pa INCALLS ONLY)
*Stop here don't waist your time Carmen is here! Northeast philly $60 *2676299516 - 22
(Philadelphia, northeast philly incalls)
Thu 09 Jan
(Y_O_U'_E_R ) ★ (G_O_N_N_A) (L_O_V_E) ★(T_H_I_S) (E_B_O_N_Y) ★(D_O_L_L) - 21
(Philadelphia, Northeast Philly Roosevelt Blvd INCALLS)
Strawberry !!:) Surfboard special 50$ all Friday night / early morning - 24
(Philadelphia, GREATER NORTHEAST incalls outcalls)
⛅️💦👅Beautiful day 2 play💦🔥$80 special 📞6098368239 - 22
((West philly 52arch/incalls only), Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Philadelphia, South, Southwest, West)
Wed 08 Jan
CaN YOu TaMe mE?? SPECIAL 70Ss, 100Hh 160Hr!! Let me Treat you like a KING😋Come get off a load with me! Fetishes OK - 22
(INCALLS Roosevelt Blvd. Northeast Philly, Northeast, Philadelphia)
Tue 07 Jan
BRAND NEW GIRL.. Just Visiting dont miss out!!! ♥ $60 specials! Amazing Skills!!! - 21
(Philadelphia Airport)
.CLICK HERE !!!!@@@ S U P E R ^^ S E X Y ^^ B L O N D E ^^ B O M B S H E L L 100% ME### - 21
(Philadelphia, NorthEast Philly (incalls))
Mon 06 Jan
(Y_O_U'_E_R ) ★ (G_O_N_N_A) (L_O_V_E) ★(T_H_I_S) (E_B_O_N_Y) ★(D_O_L_L) - 21
(Philadelphia, Northeast Philly Roosevelt Blvd INCALLS)
.SPECIAL ☆ ☆ NuMbEr **** OnE **** SeXy **** MiStReSs **** NaTiVe AmEriCaN ☆ ☆ ♥TruLeY ExOtiC♥ - 21
(Philadelphia, NorthEast Philly (incalls))
★ New-New 💖🔥💖★BLoNdE★ PoliSh-Irish★GoDdEsS★ 💖🔥💖★ ♛ / InCaLLs!!!♛🌺💄ⓟⓇⒺttⓎ_ ⓢWⒺⒺt_ tⓇⒺⒶt 🎀🌸 - 37
(North east-philly-incalls, Northeast, Philadelphia)
******* $40 Snake Charmer Specials WITH INFAMOUS BBW Goddess Juanita ******** - 31
(Philadelphia, NORTHEAST)
******* INFAMOUS BBW Goddess Juanita Is Back With Her $40 Specials ******** - 31
(Philadelphia, NORTHEAST)
Sun 05 Jan
Basketball booty come play wit me westphilly incalls - 22
((West philly incalls), Center City, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, North, Northeast, Olney / Oak Lane, Philadelphia, South, Southwest, West)
.CLICK HERE !!!!@@@ NEW S U P E R ^^ S E X Y ^^ B L O N D E ^^ B O M B S H E L L 100% ME### - 21
(Philadelphia, NorthEast Philly (incalls))
Sat 04 Jan
COME TAME MY KiTTY 50,80,120💋💜 DROP DEAD 💕Blonde Bombshell👩 REAR DOOR OPEN 🚪💃👠 👄Your Dirty Little Secret.. - 22
(Incalls Northeast Philly Roosevelt Blvd, Northeast, Philadelphia)
{S H E' S} __ (A) __ *J A W* __ (D R O P P E R) __ *W I T H* A_ [N A U G H T Y] __ *S I D E* - 21
$70$$ Specials!! Im Here And Ready To Cater To Your Needs!!!!(Up All Night) - 21
(NORTHEAST Incallz 424-215-2034!!!)
*TOPLESS**** N*A*U*G*H*T*Y! ** Massage!!!~$100 *OUTCALLS*$100 - 22
Fri 03 Jan
Available all nite just for your pleasure;Hot,Sexy Brunette call me - 29
(NE Philly,Center City ,incalls outcsll, Northeast, Philadelphia)
SPECIALS ☆ 6'Tall Model ☆Devlin☆Back in Horsham limited time☆(267)339-2454 ★100% Me or Free - 24
(Philadelphia, HORSHAM / WILLOW GROVE(267)339-2454)
Thu 02 Jan